Making an Impact
The L.R. Green Educational Foundation (LRGEF) is 100% run by volunteers. It is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) Corporation and was formed to raise money to fill the gap between today's school budget shortfalls and fulfilling our students' needs. There are many ways you can contribute - with your time and/or financial resources. Help us make a positive impact on the LRG community!
Our Mission:
The L.R. Green Educational Foundation is dedicated to enhancing educational excellence and enrichment for our future leaders. We want to foster a strong sense of pride and community.
Go Griffins!
4 Easy Ways to Help:
Feb 12th: APEX Fun Run (rain or shine). The run will take place outdoors this year. This event alone accounts for 50% of our fundraising efforts for the year. Please be on the lookout in February for ways you can contribute and support your student and our school.
March 14th: Pi Night
March 24th - March 28th: Book Fair
March 27th: Open House & Art Show
May (TBD): Family Fun Dance
Saturday, March 29th
Pechanga Arena Doors open at 5:00 p.m. and game starts at 6:00 p.m.